Beloved, I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. – 3 John 2

Hi, I'm Diane. Welcome to my happy place with God!

And welcome to the Diane Grubis Ministries website, which I hope will give you a fair amount of joy and enlighten you about who you really are in God!

Image of diane grubis in yellow shirt

He’s actually pretty high on you and the whole human race. Doesn’t John 3:16-17 come to mind – For God so LOVED the World…? But, honestly, this is something that took me a while to understand and to walk in with confidence.

You see, I was raised in a loving quintessential Italian home in Leominster, Massachusetts… and VERY Catholic! You’ve heard the old adage about Catholic Guilt? Yes, well, I fell into the trap of thinking that God was mad at me (through no fault of my parents) and spent many years trying to figure out how to feel worthy and valuable. My long journey of course, doesn’t have to be yours. If you’d care to walk quickly to the end of Wilderness Thinking, I believe you’ll begin to enjoy God’s Revelation Highway – a wonderful path filled with road signs saying how much He loves you and what great plans He has for you up ahead… if you don’t quit or grow weary, that’s the key!

I am a petite, brown-eyed, well-mannered woman with a passion to glorify God, and I do mean passion. And being a wife to my handsome super-smart husband John, really sums up the core of who I am. We were never blessed with children to raise on this earth (after three miscarriages); but my course took me down another path of purpose and joy; and at the beginning of my “Golden Years,” I’m just now getting started in the things I’ve only dreamt of.

The other relevant piece of knowledge that you may need to know about me is… I’m a planner extraordinaire, full of logical processes! I love neat and tidy systems that can make life easier – from accounting systems, to how my makeup is laid out, to how we care for Tweety and Peppie, our lovely parakeets. And I’m always thinking in terms of business growth opportunities. My friends sometimes get tired of me asking them, “When are you going to start your business?! You’d be great at this or that.” I see the possibilities of success everywhere and really in everyone I meet.

On the more traditional East-coast side of my personality, I thoroughly enjoy walking my neighborhood and local national parks on sunny days with my wide-brimmed sunscreen hat on, of course, relaxing with a hot cup of tea in a comfy chair and a blanket on wintery days, and reading good inspirational books – sometimes 2 and 3 at once. My husband and I love to watch wholesome movies on DVD, especially the “behind the scenes” parts of the story, and we have quite a collection of Christian films. Believe it or not, I NEVER guess the ending, so I’m always pleasantly surprised.

Also, I’m what’s called a “scratch cook” – I really love home-cooked meals made from scratch with fresh ingredients from Sprouts…no canned veggies for us, mind you. You should taste my famous meatballs and homemade tomato sauce; not to mention John’s BBQ ribs slow cooked in his own special marinade of Dr. Pepper… Mouthwatering goodness I promise you. We actually prefer our own cooking to going out to eat, well, except when friends are involved. I’ll be sure to share some recipes with you in the months ahead.

Diane Grubis Ministries was seeded inside my heart in 1990. The vision of it
became clearer as the desire to serve people with the truth of God’s Word became
stronger and more vital as we do live in dark and confusing times. Ten years prior to that, I was busy pursuing a career in Finance and Administration with bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and a major in Accounting; and in 1983, I got my MBA. 

After graduating, I secured a management position with a major corporation and ended up saving them hundreds of thousands of dollars by managing various projects with $25 million-dollar budgets. (There’s that gift in action even before I realized it!) Then in 1990, I made a move to work with American Express Financial Advisors, and successfully managed my clients’ portfolios. I was dynamic and full of optimism and charm and it was fun operating in the gift of God to help others achieve their dreams.

You see, God was shaping my future at an early age (my mom was a great bookkeeper, so numbers were always in my head!), and with a strong desire growing in me to teach others about finances, I eagerly studied the Word of God, took copious notes (long handed, of course!) and renewed my mind by listening to anointed teachers. Out of this delicious time immersed in the Holy Spirit, I ended up writing a ten-lesson program called, Financial Freedom Through the Word of God, and doors opened for me to teach the course at churches throughout my region.

Then the day came, and God called me out of the comforts of my hometown in picturesque New England where I had lived for 44 years. It was time to move on. My husband, John, received a phone call to help create new semi-conductor processes for an emerging start-up company in North Carolina. I was ready and certainly excited about no more snowy winters as I never relished the idear of driving on the notoriously icy Atlantic coastal roads. (“Idear”… Yep, that’s my accent coming through.) So, we moved to NC, bought a lovely brand-new 4 bedroom home, and John took the job as Sr. Process Engineer. It was a prosperous season for both of us.

While in NC, my thirst for learning everything I could about the Lord led me to attend Life Christian University, where I received my Doctor of Philosophy in Theology. The Lord also opened a door for me to teach a Biblical Finances course on the satellite campus of LCU located at my church.

The scarlet thread of God’s purpose on my life wove me in and out of different
opportunities to teach and intercede and bless others, especially those in the Body of Christ who had financial difficulties.

As brilliant of an engineer as John is, in 2012, he decided he wanted to learn more but in a different direction… he wanted to deepen his knowledge of the Word at a bible college. So, with God’s help, we sold our beautiful home in North Carolina and moved to Colorado to attend Charis Bible College. And after seeing a powerful Grace and Healing anointing on Charis and the teachers who spoke, I decided to enroll a year after John, graduating in 2015 with a Master of Biblical Studies.

We didn’t realize that life out West would become as hard and rugged and challenging as the mountains we drove through each day to get to school; but thank God for His Grace… We’ve grown to know the Psalm 23 Shepherd and Lord of our lives in truth now. He really does restore our soul and lead us in the paths of righteousness for His Name’s sake, and we really are blessed.

Over the last 30 years of living this Christian life, John and I have come to be very intentional in our desire to serve others. For years, we’ve taught many Life Groups in our home, to the point, I think I have the Gift of Hospitality, as my dining room table keeps getting longer and longer stretching almost to my living room! And in October 2019, the seed thought of having a ministry on a more public platform came into view and took its first wobbly steps and Epic Conversations was born.

You should have seen those humble beginnings, when with my little iPhone 7, and with loud chirpy tweets from Tweety and Peppie in the background, and John’s
sleeping bags draped everywhere for sound proofing, we filmed our first episodes on Purpose in the family room at my little wrought iron garden table.

The bottom line is, the more I know about God and yield to His promptings in my heart, the more He creates divine connections all around me and the more courageous I become to go to the ends of the earth with Him on this adventure called, The Divine Destiny of God.

My journey continues… and I welcome you to join me!